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School Inspector Jobs in Australia

Reviews and examines the work of teachers in classrooms and schools, and observes the results of the application of curriculum programs in primary, middle or intermediate school, or secondary educational institutions.

Skill Level: 1


  • Education Reviewer

Unit Group 2491: Education Advisers and Reviewers

Education Advisers and Reviewers conduct educational research, develop course curricula and associated teaching materials for use by educational institutions, and review and examine the work of teachers and the results from curriculum programs in school settings.

Indicative Skill Level:

In Australia and New Zealand:

Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).

Tasks Include:

  • consulting with teachers, principals and administrative officials of educational institutions to coordinate educational programs and provide advice
  • identifying and evaluating developments in education by conducting research into educational systems
  • serving on committees to identify present and future needs within the educational system, and planning, developing and modifying facilities and programs
  • documenting subjects and courses developed, and evaluating new courses
  • organising and conducting workshops and conferences to train teachers in new programs and methods
  • applying knowledge of learning processes and school structures to develop operational and training programs, and submitting them for decision and funding
  • visiting schools and observing teachers in the classroom, noting pupil response, motivation and teaching techniques
  • discussing programs, records and teachers with School Principals to record academic performance of schools, welfare of pupils and performance of individual teachers
  • making suggestions to government officials about improvements to educational facilities, equipment, buildings and staff to ensure continued standards of education

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