Mineral Ore Processing Labourer Jobs in Australia
Mineral Ore Processing Labourer Description
ANZSCO CODE - 821914
Major Group | 8 - Labourers |
Sub-Major Group | 82 - Construction and Mining Labourers |
Minor Group | 821 - Construction and Mining Labourers |
Unit Group | 8219 - Other Construction and Mining Labourers |
Unit Group 8219: Other Construction and Mining Labourers
This unit group covers Construction and Mining Labourers not elsewhere classified. It includes Crane Chasers, Driller’s Assistants, Laggers, Mining Support Workers and Surveyor’s Assistants.
Indicative Skill Level:
Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with the qualifications outlined below.
In Australia:
- AQF Certificate I, or compulsory secondary education (ANZSCO Skill Level 5)
In New Zealand:
- NZQF Level 1 qualification, or compulsory secondary education (ANZSCO Skill Level 5)
For some occupations a short period of on-the-job training may be required in addition to or instead of the formal qualification. In the case of some Skill Level 5 occupations, a short period of on-the-job training may be required in addition to or instead of the formal qualification, or no formal qualification or on-the-job training may be required.
The occupation Crane Chaser in this unit group has a level of skill commensurate with the qualifications outlined below.
In Australia:
- AQF Certificate II or III, or at least one year of relevant experience (ANZSCO Skill Level 4)
In New Zealand:
- NZQF Level 2 or 3 qualification, or at least one year of relevant experience (ANZSCO Skill Level 4)
In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification.